
Questers, the only profession that involves braving the deadly wilderness of Narcoscir. Questers typically earn their title among their settlement but there are many self-proclaimed and few of those are distinguishable from bandits.

Pictured: Agrahn a Blade of Narcosa and Quail the Greenhorn, Questers both. Agrahn is a wizened Quester and he still has some good years in him, one of the oldest still in the field. Accompanying him on his latest journey is Quail, an enthusiastic pawn with no previous Quester experience. Dedicated to journaling and sketching his findings, Quail is on track to becoming a promising Trailblazer, Questers that map the uncharted Hinterlands and report back to the Scrollmonger.


Old Pawns (and Ribbonmane)


The Gryphon Wrangler